Why You Should Ask for Reviews as a Wedding Business Owner

So you’ve completed the wedding, you’ve posted on socials and you’re over the moon for the couple who’ve just tied the knot.

And so you move onto the next wedding.

But what about the couple? What if they want to tell you all about your amazing work?

Have you given them the opportunity to do so?

If not, then why not?

Sometimes we’re terrified to ask for feedback in case it’s negative, but the way I see it – no news is good news. Couples will definitely tell you if they’re not happy, but unless you’re giving them the opportunity to ask for it, how will you know?

harriet flather harpist

But firstly, why do we even need reviews and testimonials?

Have you ever bought a product online without at least glancing at the star rating? Or perhaps you’re that person that goes in depth and reads every word ever written about the product? (That’s my husband, by the way!)

It’s exactly the same when couples are shopping for their wedding. How can they book you if they don’t know what other people think of you?

harriet flather i do social irnham hall wedding

Lee Daniels Photography

How do you ask for reviews?

I always leave it about two weeks before I send a template email to the couple, always saying something lovely about their day. It includes a link to a Google form where they can fill in their star rating and write their testimonial. I also ask if they are happy for me to contact their photographer for images.

After that, it’s up to them. A lot of couples are just too busy after their wedding and want to move on with their lives and leave their wedding day behind them. Plus it’s another email in their inbox asking them to do something, so sometimes I never hear anything.

But often, I have a glowing testimonial about my harp playing, customer service and the whole experience of booking me as part of their wedding – and it’s a massive ego boost!

married couple at shottlehall derbyshire confetti shot

Saywell HQ

I hope this blog has given you a taster of why you should be asking for reviews as a wedding business owner, and if you’re still a bit in the dark then why not get in touch to see how we can work together to get you more reviews?


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